The Fast Lane

In November of 2022 I was listening to a podcast and one of the hosts casually mentioned he was on his third day of a water-only fast. At the time I didn’t think much of it, but it came up again a week later on the same podcast.

The host discussed some of the mental and physical benefits he was experiencing, this being the third or forth time he’d done it in the past few months. I was intrigued and did a little research for myself. What follows is what I’ve learned so far in my fasting journey…

Bootstrapping 101 - the Lows

The road to success is long and arduous, there is little doubt that only the strongest (and luckiest) survive. Along the way you will experience amplified highs and lows, with the lows obviously more difficult to deal with.

Someone once asked me “what was the lowest point during the history of your company?” I hadn’t really thought about it prior to this question, but my memory zeroed in on a specific moment almost immediately.

Bootstrapping 101 - Diematic Behavior

Some animals have a defense mechanism called Diematic Behavior. It is a natural defense meant to bluff a predator into believing something untrue about the creature in question.

A critical tactic employed by most startups is the act of making oneself “look bigger”.

Dog Potty Area v1

Towards the end of the summer we were inspired by this DIY project and decided to take a swing at creating our own version.

We had two main problems with our four-legged best friends that we hoped to solve.